Friday 31 May 2013

Biscuit Decorating

Splatters of colour to brighten your biscuits!

Hello everyone! This blog post is dedicated to the fine art of biscuit decorating. The whole process was very messy but some of them turned out OK looking. I used a packet of Arrowroot biscuits and tried to make them as pretty as possible, although I had a bit of trouble at that task. Due to lack of time and resources the biscuits turned out looking a little bit odd, however the icing tasted pretty good which made up for the appearance of the biscuits.

The best part of the dish was probably the taste of the icing. It was sweet, delicious and really complemented the arrowroot biscuits. The thing that definitely needs improving is the decoration of the biscuits. I didn't have much time to decorate them so they were very weird looking and the piping bags failed me a bit, however next time I am going to take more time and use better techniques when icing. The colours of the icing varied, although my base colours were orange, yellow, blue and purple and the appearance of the biscuits were marbled, flowers and a love heart. 

All in all the biscuits turned out OK, improvements are needed, but still a moderate success. Anyway, the next post will be a very exciting one because I am making an Aussie classic but with a cool twist.

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