Sunday 5 May 2013


Lest We Forget

Hey girls and guys, I just made my very first dessert for cooking in term 2, ANZAC slice, and it turned out as a moderate success. The slice was a recipe derived from the original ANZAC biscuit recipe that was sent to soldiers during the First World War. The biscuits were a little taste of home for the soldiers and they were specially made so that they would keep for months on end without going stale or making the soldiers sick. The biscuits were a token of support from the families and nation of the ANZACs and they are still baked today because of what they represent.

The best component within the dish was most likely the presentation of the slice and the visual quality of the slice. Unfortunately the slice was very hard when it had cooled and it was quite dry which greatly affected the taste of the dish. With this result in mind I've decided that the next time I make the slice I will cook it for a shorter time period and I will also put a slightly greater quantity of liquids in the mixture so it isn't as dry or rock solid. The dish on a whole was probably mediocre at best because the taste and texture made it quite difficult to enjoy. However the dish was very visually appealing because of its crunchy looking, honey brown appearance and this made it a little bit more successful, thank goodness.

Anyway ladies and gents, it's one week down and another six to go so wish me luck in my next cooking endeavour and hopefully it will turn out well with no injuries or ruined food.

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