Thursday 30 May 2013

Apple Galette

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Hey folks! I’m back and I have made a very exciting dessert that has originated from a place none other than France, the dessert capital of the world. The Apple Galette is a type of very thin tart with thinly sliced, caramelised apples placed in a circular pattern. My version of this fabulous dessert turned out pretty well but there are definite improvements to be made to the dish if I make it again.
The best component within the dish was probably the apples. The time and effort to make them pretty and well placed paid off and luckily they looked very impressive in their little circular patterns. The thing that didn’t turn out too great was the pastry as I found it overly salty and a little bit under cooked. To avoid this next time I think I will put less salt and as it was crumbly, a little bit of water to hold it together. I would on a whole cook the Apple Galette for longer so the apples caramelise more and the pastry would be crunchier, but other than that it was a success. To sum this blog up, the general appearance of the Galette was very pretty as it was rounded with a swirly caramelised apple pattern, the taste was good however it could be improved and the texture was pleasing however a little crumbly.

Anyway, sorry about the wait for this post I've been a busy bee and I’ll get back to you guys later on. Next blog will be either biscuit decorating or chocolate crackles and I'm really looking forward to telling you guys about how they went. See ya later people.

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