Monday 6 May 2013

Rainbow Cupcakes

Somewhere over the rainbow, where skies are blue

That’s right I have made some very beautiful rainbow cupcakes. Perfect multi-coloured arches and fluffy white clouds adorned my sky blue cupcakes in the form of sour straps and very sweet icing. It took around three hours to make and decorate the cupcakes and it sure did accumulate a lot of mess and washing up. The idea for these cupcakes originally came from a very impressive cooking blog and the recipe for the cupcake batter came from a cake, muffin and biscuit book that I got from my aunt.

The whole of this dish was extremely successful but I believe that the thing I did best was probably the decorating of the cupcakes because I felt really proud of them after I had spread on the glaze icing, piped on the white clouds and arched the rainbow sour straps. The time and effort paid off with the decorating and I was really, really happy with it so that was the best component of the dish. Next time I do this dish I will probably use different utensils. When I was spreading the blue glaze on the cupcakes the icing was very stiff and was hard to put on with a knife. I would also make the butter cream clouds less rich because the sweetness was very overpowering and nearly took over the rest of the dish. The taste of the cupcakes was very sweet and the sponge was very light and fluffy which really complemented the sweet icing and sour straps. The general appearance of the cupcakes was a very blue sky with fluffy white clouds and a bright rainbow stretching across.

Anyway these cupcakes were a great dish to make and I would recommend it to anyone because they are super-duper easy and are great fun.