Saturday 18 May 2013

American Brownies

Roses are red, violets are blue, brownies are brown and chocolate is too!

Did you know that Brownies were created by mistake because the chef didn’t have baking powder? Yep, I made the one and only American Brownies and they tasted delicious. Extremely rich, chocolaty and delicious, my chocolate brownies were a real winner.

The whole cooking process was very smooth sailing and no major problems occurred, although when I first took them out of the oven I believed they hadn’t been cooked long enough because they were very soft and crumbly. Luckily I was then informed that they were supposed to be like that, which made me feel a little ignorant. Next time I make the brownies I will probably make even more of them! They tasted so good that they ran out within a few days! The taste of the brownies was divine, probably because they had very expensive Dutch cocoa in them (Woolworths ran out of normal cocoa) and they were very rich as they had cooking chocolate, cocoa and real butter in them. The appearance of the brownies was quite pleasing to the eye because they were a dark, chocolaty brown dusted with icing sugar like snowflakes.

That’s it for another post people, so stay tuned because next time I will be reviewing a French dessert called Apple Galette which is a pretty awesome looking sweet dish. Anyway see you later! 


  1. Congratulations Mrs Sisley for your Achievement of Making these Brownies
