Friday 31 May 2013

Chocolate Crackles

Snap! Crackle! Pop!

This week I made my an all time kid's party favourite and they turned out absolutely delicious. My chocolate crackles were yummy, very very yummy and they were just as good as the one's I ate during childhood. This quick and easy recipe was a great hit at my house and were gone as quick as a flash, but don't worry, I still had enough left to take some photos and show you guys one of my dessert favourites.

The best thing about these chocolate crackles was probably everything, this was the one week when everything turned out perfectly without any mistakes or injuries. The crackles were crunchy, chocolaty and delicious. They were probably my best dessert apart from the American Brownies so far. Next time I make this recipe I will definitely make more because they ran out way too quickly at my house. The appearance of the chocolate crackles was quite pleasing with crunchy rice bubbles coated in the sweet chocolate mixture that held them together. The texture was crunchy due to the rice bubbles and coconut in the chocolate mixture and most importantly the taste was very sweet, melt in your mouth chocolate flavour, complemented by the light taste of the rice bubbles.

That's it for my chocolate crackles post so I hope it inspires you to revisit the old favourite and give it a go yourselves. Next stop, biscuit decorating, which should be very interesting.

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