Cake Mistakes

When baking sweet cookery there are many procedures that are vital to make sure your recipe turns out perfectly. However when these steps go awry your cooking can turn into a disaster. 

Avoid kitchen mistakes using the following rules:

  • Always sift flour and icing sugar
  • Preheat the oven before cooking
  • Never measure ingredients incorrectly
  • Mix ingredients for the amount of time allocated on recipe
  • Don't overfill patty cases
  • Always test cake to ensure it is cooked
  • Have eggs and butter at room temperature before cooking
  • Avoid slamming oven doors and be very careful when a sponge is baking
  • Always grease and line baking trays and tins
  • When beating egg whites, make sure there are no specks of yolk
  • Set oven at the correct temperature
  • Always stir a mixture in the one direction

By following these simple instructions you can avoid making cakes like the previously shown pictures and make them look and taste like pure perfection.

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